God Delights in Us

Kay HornerBlog


Women are amazingly wonderful creations of God! We have incredible ability and durability. The down side is we sometimes have so many expectations and assignments to fulfill that we become overwhelmed.

Whether single, married, mothers, childless, “domestic engineers,” marketplace employees, or a combination of several of these, we sometimes feel like we must be superwoman, especially when we are serving in a ministry role. Not only are we to be superwoman, we’re supposed to look like superwoman. When we seem to fall short of the standards, imposed upon us by society, the church, our family, or ourselves, we can easily become discouraged.

We tend to forget that the One whose opinion matters most rejoices over us with singing not because of how we look or what we do, but because of whose we are and who we are in Him—even if we sometimes “blow it” in the spiritual category too. Thank God, He is a Redeemer and Restorer . . .

Israel was chosen and set apart by God as His special covenant possession, but they were known to “blow it” more than once. Often, they failed to measure to God’s standards in the Law given to them. Yet, the prophet Isaiah spoke words of hope and life over Yahweh’s covenant people (See Isaiah 62:1–5).

If we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, we are under a covenant of grace and, thankfully, have become God’s chosen daughters. As a part of the bride of Christ, we are destined for the marriage supper of the Lamb. I believe that He also calls us Hephzibah, which means “my delight is in her,” and Beulah, meaning “married.” Christ delights in us in more ways than we can imagine, and He has destined us for greatness and glory—His glory!