We love pastors and have aligned our ministries to serve them more effectively. We care for your relationship with the Lord, your relationship with your spouse and family, and your ministry and mission. Care4Pastors is a collaborative initiative of these distinguished partners.

Pastoral Care
Pastors, pastoral families, and all those who care about ministry leaders can find supportive help for a pastor’s life and ministry in one easy-to-navigate place. Care4Pastors: your single stop for support.
Unique Approach
Ministry and influence flow out of a common center – first through the leader’s intimate relationship with Jesus, and then closeness with spouse and family. Ministry and mission flow out of these abundant relationships.
Building Partnerships
Four of the largest entities in the faith community have aligned themselves on behalf of Care4Pastors. We’re committed to this unity of effort and vision, so that pastors are served and cared for more effectively.