This season, give The Christmas Dance!
The Christmas Dance beautifully retells the stories of beloved Bible characters, revealing how they danced with God to usher in the birth of Christ, how they moved with Him on earth, and how God invites each of us to follow His lead into the full purpose for our lives.
Join Mary as she asks, “How can this be possible? You see… no one has ever danced this way before!”
Don’t forget Daniel, the interpreter of dreams, who translated difficult instructions written on dance hall walls.

Full cover, embossed hardcover edition
The Bible contains hundreds of accounts about people whose roles demonstrate the differences of being willing or unwilling participants in the story and the dance.
You may find your heart longing for a deeper relationship and intimate conversation with the One who knows you better than you know yourself.
He is the divine author who has the ability to create and recreate, to write and rewrite, to sweep you off your feet, and place you into a heavenly dance that goes on throughout eternity.
Kay Horner, Author